Baby BirthType: Hates Laying On Their Back Baby
So many babies hate laying on their back. They prefer their side or tummy. The problem is you are advised not to do this so you have a problem! These...
Baby BirthType: Planned C-Section Baby
Babies after a Planned C-section can actually be as grumpy as babies after a traumatic delivery. It's a strange one as they haven't had any contractions on them. But is...
Baby BirthType: Traumatic, Emergency C-Section Baby
Was your delivery long and traumatic? Did your baby get stuck? Did it end in an emergency C-Section? These babies can be grumpy! Watch the Little Meerkat video if your baby...
Baby BirthType: Little Boob Shark Baby
Do you have a very hungry baby? Do they love to suck all the time and use you to suck on! But maybe they aren't actually hungry, they are actually...
Baby BirthType: Antibiotics Baby
Did you or your baby get antibiotics? Does your baby have loads and loads of watery little poo's? Parents often call them "sharts". You baby can be grunty and groaney...
Colic Reflux Wind Are Symptoms. Find the CAUSE
Video Transcript: Lots of mums come in and one of the first things they say is: "I think my baby has colic" or they ask me if I can help them...
Baby BirthType: Little Meerkat baby
Does your baby have a strong neck? When people see your baby do they say in amazement "Oh wow they can hold their head up already!" Should a brand new baby...
Baby BirthType: Little Frog
Does your baby curl up in a little ball or Little Frog all the time? Have a read about why this could be and also characteristics they have that can...
Baby BirthType: Introduction
Baby BirthTypes are names I have given to patterns of colicky, upset babies. They help me understand how to help your baby. Of course all babies and their deliveries are...
New mums: Eat a balanced diet
This sounds like common sense! But eating a good balanced diet when looking after a new baby with colic or reflux can be very challenging. But I want to help...
Breastfeeding mums: Look for good colic days and bad colic days
Has your baby's colic been really good one day and then really bad another and you wonder why? Have a watch for a possible reason...
Breastfeeding mums: Don’t over eat one food
More videos to watch: Don't over eat one food - video Don't replace one trigger food with another Look for good times and bad times Eat a balanced diet Downloads to read to help you: The...