
Baby BirthType: Little Meerkat baby

Does your baby have a strong neck? When people see your baby do they say in amazement  “Oh wow they can hold their head up already!”

Should a brand new baby really have a neck strong enough to hold their own head up? Or are they actually in a “pattern” from a tricky and long delivery. Or were they engaged for a long time?

Have a watch, what do you think?


Video Transcript:

On this video them we’re moving on to another baby birth type a very very common one. So ,  the most common are a little frog a birth type a little meerkat baby birth type and the antibiotic baby birth type so this one is the little meerkat and again the reason I’ve called it little meerkat  is because some parents came in and said oh we call our baby a little meerkat and I just I totally loved that I thought that’s the one. 


We all use that but this is this description of the little meerkat maybet hey have a strong neck so those parents come in and go.  Oh you know they’ve got a newborn baby and they’re saying my baby’s neck is so strong they’re lifting their head up already well a very very new baby doesn’t really have a strong neck they should be. 


Actually reasonably floppy and cuddling so much of the time this this strong neck is actually them. In the little meerkat pattern which is there like this they’re actually stiff and strong coming this way and actually I prefer the words into the this extension pattern this mica Pattern.


I wouldn’t think of them as stiff that’s more a kind of description of that and adult really being stiff but they’re strong this way okay


so a meerkat  baby has usually had a long delivery they’ve got stuck they might have had forceps or one-twos you’ve had to have some intervention so as they’re coming down the birth canal they are in this extended position and they may have got stuck like this. Okay, so you then have contractions on them and what this happened is they have come out and stayed in that pattern. 


Okay, so they come up on your shoulder and they’re like this always going away always throwing themselves out of your hand they are probably one of the hardest babies to breastfeed. So,  Again rounded circles here linking back  well at the lessons that I’ve done on the hardest baby to breastfeed that’s a little meerkat baby. 


Okay, so you can picture this the baby which is stiff like this they’re always throwing themselves away from you and if you’re trying to breastfeed they’re throwing themselves away from the breast so you’re taught to have them in you want them in belly to belly closed or trying to cover and they’re going this way away from you.


It can create obviously very painful breast feeding now this links me to one of the best reasons to use a dummy so have a watch of that one and we’re going to that controversial subject of dummies.


Okay.  so the little meerkat baby they’re stiff they’ve been held in the position they were born this means when they’re like this they don’t like laying on their back very similar to the little frog baby. Okay, so they’re like this when you put them on to their beds into the Moses baskets which are quite firm for safety reasons they don’t like laying flat like that they’re like I want to be like this can you hold them? 


You hold them their heads flop over your drop over here and they’re always comfortable back like that so when you lay them down and they have to come that way they’re like no no no, I don’t like that you’re not going to put me down.  You’re gonna hold me in the exact position I like all night and you’re gonna sit in bed you’re gonna sit on the sofa all night and hold me like this why. 


I have a lovely sleep because these pattern babies they go into the pattern which is most comfortable for them and they’re very new so they’ve had this delivery of being in this pattern so remember the little foot baby. It’s like this they like to be up in a lot of this meerkat-baby is like this. 


So the opposites you get a little combo baby. We’ll talk about that after us in another lesson.


Okay so am i describing a little meerkat baby to you okay they are prone to reflux as well so watch this baby complete big full belly of milk that you’ve taken the time to give them then they’re arching this way like this they can is this like they’re upside down.


You’ve actually now got a slope downwards for that milks to mechanically be pushed up this isn’t the whole reason for reflux. There’s others but this can be one of the reasons okay so there’s a description this is helpful to you because you now know that there’s loads of babies that do this if your delivery was this sort of delivery you can have this extended makeup baby to help them.


You need to look for some gentle treatment baby massage cranial sacral therapy something like that which is calming on the baby and you can gently work out these little patterns. Okay, so make that baby I hope this helped you.


Thank you

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