Myths of Colic: Colic has NO Cure
Have you been told your baby can't be helped? Or that everything is normal? And that colic has no cure? It's not true. there is so much that can help your...
Myths of Colic: Introduction
Myths introduction What myths are you hearing from friends, family and professionals? All babies cry Colic has no cure Wait 12 weeks and they'll stop crying It's the 4 th trimester Babies don't sleep Just wait and...
Colic – The Truth
This is what you really need to know about colic so start by watching this video by Christian Bates Video Transcript: Hi! So in this video, I want to introduce colic to...
Baby BirthType: Antibiotics Baby
Did you or your baby get antibiotics? Does your baby have loads and loads of watery little poo's? Parents often call them "sharts". You baby can be grunty and groaney...
Colic Reflux Wind Are Symptoms. Find the CAUSE
Video Transcript: Lots of mums come in and one of the first things they say is: "I think my baby has colic" or they ask me if I can help them...
New mums: Eat a balanced diet
This sounds like common sense! But eating a good balanced diet when looking after a new baby with colic or reflux can be very challenging. But I want to help...
Breastfeeding mums: Look for good colic days and bad colic days
Has your baby's colic been really good one day and then really bad another and you wonder why? Have a watch for a possible reason...
Breastfeeding mums: Don’t replace one colic trigger food with another
Mums commonly try reducing dairy as their first attempt at looking at foods that are triggering colic in their baby. However, they often replace dairy with other foods that trigger...
Breastfeeding mums: Colic worse at the weekends?
Strangely breastfed babies can be worse at the weekend. If this has happened to you then have a watch. Or...
Probiotic Supplementation Reduces Diaper Rash, Colic, & Sleep Issues In Babies
New research shows that the introduction of positive gut bacteria can reduce the effects of newborn gut deficiency. New research has discovered that infants struggling with Newborn Gut Deficiency (NGD) can benefit...
Help Your Baby’s Colic And Tummy First
Your baby may have many problems that are causing them to have colic and be upset and not sleep. I have a very general rule which is "help their tummy...
Is Your Colic Baby Noisey, Grunty And Groaney?
Many babies are just noisy! Their tummy is bubbly and they grunt and groan all the time. This is loud at night! For me this is tummy issues like colic. This may...