How Calming Colic came to be written
This is just a little background on how I ended up writing Calming Colic. I have been treating babies using cranial osteopathy since I first graduated osteopathy college in 1997. I...
How does cranial sacral work?
How does cranial osteopathy work? A short extract from Calming Colic: There are a few principles by which cranial osteopathy works. Basically, the skilled practitioner is able to use gentle palpation to...
Is your baby excessively crying, colicky, in pain and not sleeping?
Whilst the NHS website tells us the ‘causes are unknown’, the truth is that babies get colic for at least 10 reasons. In the book Calming Colic, I explain what those causes are and...
Stress in mother passed to baby
Some of the most "colicky" babies I have seen have very stressed parents. Is the stress because of having a colicky baby or was the stress in the mother before...