How Maternal Prenatal Stress Could Shape an Infant’s Gut Health
This is a big study for me! And for you as a new mum with a colic baby. It gives yet another scientific reason why your baby has colic, wind...
Colic and your baby’s nervous system
Does the nervous system play a role in colic. Here’s some research showing it does. Transcript Okay, so amazing research to tell you about um which is about colic and excessive crying...
Impact of delivery mode on Infant Gut Microbiome
Key points mentioned in the review below: Antibiotics and C-section change the baby gut bacteria balance Even the hospital environment can change the bacteria Breastfeeding and probiotics are recommended to...
Reflux and diet beverages (artificial low calorie sweeteners)
This study showed that mums that consumed diet beverages with low calorie artificial sweeteners in passed this to their baby via breast milk. The babies in this group had a...
Stress in pregnancy
This changes your baby's gut bacteria! Video Transcript: This video is about stress in the mum before the baby or your baby was even born. So as you watch this, we may...
Intro: The future health of your baby
You aren't just helping colic! Video Transcript: Welcome to this section on the future health of your baby now, the future health. This section kind of developed as I was helping the...
Reflux medication change your baby’s gut bacteria
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]So you need to fix this Video Transcript: This video is in the reflux section because it's about something called PPI, which is Proton pump inhibitors. And this is a medication that...
Does Gaviscon cause constipation?
Video Transcript: This video is about Gaviscon and it's in the reflux section because Gaviscon is the medication often given to babies to help with reflux. So first of all, any...
Stress in the mum triggers reflux
Amazing scientific research to help you! Video Transcript: So often I come across some research that I absolutely love. And it's just that moment of this is amazing. It makes everything that...
Your stress passes to your baby
It is possible to pass stress on to your baby. I'm sure you naturally understand this. In the science it's called "Stress Contagion". Video Transcript: I want to tell you in this...
Has your baby had a hospital visit?
Some extra help for you Video Transcript: It's common for babies to have had an extra stay in hospital. So, obviously, you're going to have the baby born in a hospital. Most...