Why does colic happen in the evening?
I have never found a satisfactory answer to the reason that colic most often occurs in the evening, at "the witching hour". So I'm going to have a go at it...
Calming Colic – How to help the 10 causes of Colic
PRESS INFORMATION February 2013 NEW BOOK ON TREATING COLICKY BABIES CONTRADICTS NHS THINKING A newly published book, ‘Calming Colic - How to Help the 10 Causes of Colic’ ‘by osteopath and naturopath...
Reflux in the newborn baby
In Calming Colic I have a section on how to help babies with reflux, and an explanation on how I help babies with reflux using cranial osteopathy. Firstly, as a...
The Perrymount Clinic “CAM clinic of the year 2012” finalist
I have been an osteopath and naturopath for 15 years and only 4 years ago decided to open my own multi-disciplinary clinic after working for osteopaths as an associate and...
Mothers breast milk quality so poor they should use formula
An article in the Daily Mail today has a couple of interesting points to elaborate on for me. Researchers are suggesting that male and female babies should have different formula ratios...
Over 700 species of bacteria in breast milk
Another fascinating piece of research that proves what I have written in Calming Colic on ways to prevent and help colicky babies. I really like this research as it confirms patterns...
Can antibiotics cause colic?
A short case history extract from the book Calming Colic Helen brought baby Alfie in with suspected colic. He had knees-up, windy pain, with squeals thorough the whole day, not just...
Do mothers who suffer migraines have more colicky babies?
Mothers who suffer migraines have more colicky babies. An interpretation by Christian Bates This piece of research has been published this week, the link to the press release is at the...
Why there is no magic cure for all colic
To any parent reading my Blog heading, that there is no magic cure for all colic, please don't pull your hair out in despair! There is certainly plenty you can do...
Why scientists don’t help with practical parenting advice! Help for eczema and asthma in children.
If there is something I hope I am good at it is putting health advice across in an easy to understand way. I do this with all my patients; osteopathic,...
Is lactose really the baddie when it comes to colic?
Something never quite sits right for me when it comes to blaming lactose (milk sugar) for wind and colic pain. Yes, it does seem that lactase enzyme products like Colief...
Why colic incidence will increase
I believe that as with many other diseases and health problems of the modern world, the incidence of colic will continue to rise. Many people might say that if colic is...