Can antibiotics cause colic?
A short case history extract from the book Calming Colic
Helen brought baby Alfie in with suspected colic. He had knees-up, windy pain, with squeals thorough the whole day, not just in the evening. He had had this for two weeks and as Helen had brought her first baby to see me she knew that I could help and was thinking Alfie needed some cranial osteopathy. As we chatted about Alfie I discovered that until two weeks ago he had been absolutely fine, no colic or tummy pains at all. This is an unusual presentation for colic, as the chances of having it are meant to get LESS as the baby grows. As a routine I always ask if the mother of the baby has had antibiotics, and guess what? Helen was on her second week of antibiotics for an infection in her C-section scar. She was also fully breastfeeding. She had seen two doctors about this, one said antibiotics do not affect the baby whilst breastfeeding, the second said her baby might get funny poos. The second was right of course. Alfie had an upset tummy with greeny poos and now had colic.
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