Foods that can make your baby windy if you are breastfeeding (FODMAPS)
FODMAPS are short chain carbohydrates or sugars that the bowel doesn’t absorb well and they ferment into wind. Excluding these foods is well known to help those suffering IBS and other bowel problems.
When I came across this food plan it jumped out at me because all the foods that regularly advise breast feeding mums to be careful of are on this list too.
Applying this list to breast feeding mothers is not quite how it was designed but my clinical experience shows me it works great!
Interestingly, since writing this the FODMAP’s diet plan HAS been researched for use in colicky babies and it HAS been successful in calming their symptoms.
Here’s an abstract of the study:
My instructions for use – slightly tweaked for a busy, tired, new mum
This is my advice to all breast feeding mums when we are trying to work out what foods may be aggravating a colicky, windy, upset baby. There are actually many, many foods that have been discovered to aggravate colic or wind in a baby when eaten by the breast feeding mum. It’s confusing to say the least so this is my short cut to get you started
This is what advise you to do.
Firstly, DON’T exclude all the FODMAP’S foods.
Look through the red or foods (which are the ones to avoid). Circle any of the foods you are eating then then note any of these foods you are really over doing and eating a lot of.
It is highly likely that it is this food that is aggravating your baby if any.
New mums food habits are not usual, they tend to grab foods and overdo foods they wouldn’t usually eat so much of. Their diets are really different to normal as they are putting their new baby before themselves. I have written a lot more about this in an ebook available to you on this website.
Click the link to download the foods
Carla Cram
August 7, 2018 at 11:24 amAre you able to provide a link to the study mentioned?