
Learn About My Online Colic and Baby Health Solution



Hi there,

I want to introduce you to my online colic, reflux, excessively crying baby health course. I have been helping babies and their parents for over 20 years now. Dedicating my working career to finding out WHY babies cry excessively, have colic and have reflux. And then how to help them. Also how to sort through the rubbish and bad advice mums are given that just doesn’t make sense and instead give you the truth, along with scientific, proven evidence and my experience to help your baby. I know you will find this course fascinating as the 1000’s and 1000’s of parents I have helped have told me they did too and they wished they had know this information earlier. Check out a few of the testimonials I have received at the bottom of this page.

If any of these are relevant to you then this course will really, really help you and your baby!

  • Your baby has wind or colic?
  • Your baby has reflux?
  • Your baby seems to be screaming in pain?
  • They are excessively crying for no reason you understand?
  • They are clean, fed and have slept and are still crying?
  • Your baby hates laying on their back?
  • You have to hold them all the time?
  • You are having breastfeeding issues and think it’s YOUR FAULT (it’s not, it’s usually something to do with your baby’s delivery)?
  • You have a good side and a bad side breastfeeding?
  • They are constipated?
  • Your baby has loads and loads or small, watery poo’s?
  • The advice you are getting varies from every person that gives it to you?
  • You have been told to wait until your baby is 12 weeks old and they will be better. BUT, you don’t want to wait OR they didn’t get better!?
  • You’ve been told “All babies cry” and that’s the help you get but you know something is wrong with your baby and they are in pain?
  • You feel helpless, don’t know what’s wrong with you baby and need help!?

What you will learn:

This course will help you understand all of the above! Literally you will know why your baby is doing all of these problems and why and then how to help them.

Jump over to the preview page to see a list of ALL the lessons in my course. There are quite a few free ones to have a listen to so you get a taster of what I have to say.

Click here to check my course out

Why an online e-course?

Basically I’ve had to adapt how I help mums. I have written so much information into 7 ebooks. But mums, do you have time to read now you have a new baby? Not really… This information and help I have for you is so important for you to know so my best current idea was to get it split down into easy bite-sized videos that you can watch / listen to on a laptop, phone, tablet whatever. And this is just what Udemy allows you to do. It’s a learning platform used by millions or people around the world. I’m really happy I’ve put everything up on Udemy for you.

The whole course of over 100 videos (don’t worry they are short and to the point!) plus all 7 ebooks and resources is only £19.99 on Udemy. I will also give you a 10% discount code for any supplements you may require to help you and your baby and also be available to help you with any questions.

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Look at a few of the babies I have treated

Does you baby arch or have a strong neck like this baby? I call them Little Meerkats. They can be very tricky to breastfeed as they pull away from you

Or do you have a Little Frog baby? These babies always tuck their legs up into a little frog position. They can be very jumpy and are usually very fast delivery or planned C-section babies.

How on earth would this baby successfully breastfeed when it likes to lay in this position? ! Look at that big neck twist. Or like laying on her back for that matter!

Learn why this happens to these babies and what issues it causes, like colic and reflux and not sleeping. And how you can help them.

Okay, so let’s just throw in some gorgeous pictures of babies chilling out with treatments from me which includes all the advice that I have put into this course for you.

This is me treating a gorgeous baby.

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Obviously the online course doesn’t include the hands on treatment I give babies, but it includes absolutely everything else. Over 80 short videos and all the ebooks I have written too which are worth more separately then this course is. So it’s a bonus price too, not that price comes into the frame overly when you have a crying baby to deal with!

These are the larger topics I cover in my course:

  • Colic. The truth!
  • My introduction
  • The causes of a colicky baby
  • The myths of colic and other rubbish mums are told
  • Sleep and calming your baby
  • Colic, poo’s and wind
  • Your baby’s Baby BirthType (Meerkat, Frog, Antibiotics etc)
  • The Science Behind Calming Colic
  • Breastfeeding difficulties
  • The foods and breastfeeding mum eats
  • Probiotics to help your baby
  • Formula feeding
  • Allergy and intolerance
  • Reflux
  • The future health of your baby
  • Calming Colic Birth Stories
  • Preparing for another baby
  • All my resources, ebooks, food plans etc

The resources you receive include all the ebooks I have written and other help handouts for you including food menus and plans

  • Calming Colic my full ebook
  • Quick Calm – Tips to quickly calm your baby ebook
  • Safe weight loss for the new mum ebook
  • Eating mistakes new mums make ebook
  • 5 day new mum food plan
  • FODMAPS food list. Foods that create wind

Each of these sections has videos to help you and your baby. Pop over to the page to learn more and watch my intro video.

I really hop you choose to invest in my course to help your baby and yourself. Because a lot of the course is also about help YOU and food plans to help you not feel so tired and vernally get you back to great health.

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Some testimonials by mums for my help which includes everything in this course

“My baby was born premature and every since he was 3 weeks old he’s had reflux, colic, an intolerance to dairy & he didnt sleep for more than an hr at a time, when he was 8 months old I made an appointment with Christian (in desperation) 4 appointments later my baby is a calm happy smiley baby who now sleeps through the night his reflux is a lot better & he’s starting to tolerate very small amounts of dairy & best of all he’s settles now in his car seat & pram meaning we can go out more but even more importantly we have a very happy family unit.”

“I just wanted to say a huge thank you to Christian for helping us with our baby girl! She was born by elective c-section as she was breach, and she screamed after every feed since birth (what we later learned was acid reflux) I took her to three different doctors who didn’t know what the problem was and said it was cows milk protein allergy, so I gave up dairy as I was breastfeeding. The screaming just got worse though until finally a health visitor suggested trying cranial osteopathy. She’s a completely different baby now, she sleeps through the night whereas before bedtime wasn’t until 5am, and she’s so much calmer. No more screaming after feeds either. I wish I’d booked her in sooner as I could have saved us both weeks of sleep!”

“Amazing experience, can’t thank Christian enough. My now 8 week old son is a smiling happy boy. The 30 min sessions were relaxed for both me and my little boy, got wonderful advice that made all the difference as well as the treatment Ben received. I can’t recommend Christian highly enough. Thank you!”

“Yet again Christian is a miracle worker!! When I had my son 4 years ago with just four appointments he cured his colic. My daughter was born 13th Dec last year and at 3 weeks colic set in. I instantly booked to see Christian and again he made her better. 3 sessions and I got a beautiful happy baby girl back and can now enjoy her.”

“Couldn’t recommend Perrymount clinic enough! Christian who worked on my 6 month old son, who was waking every 30-60 minutes through out the night for months! It got so bad, he wouldn’t nap during the day and was generally a grumpy boy.
We’ve just competed our 3rd session and he is now sleeping through the night!! Napping and generally a much happier baby. Coming to you guys was my last resort and almost desperation, never did I expect such amazing results.. I really can’t thank you enough!!”

“I took my 7 week old son to Christian after hearing about cranial osteopathy through my NCT group. It was the best decision I have ever made!

Prior to his 3 treatments, he was never content and always seemed to be in a great deal of pain. Doctors said it was colic but the symptoms didn’t seem to match and nothing I was trying to reduce colic was helping. It was distressing as first time parents seeing our baby in pain and it was also stressful for us as we were losing confidence when taking him out.

We noticed a difference after 1 treatment and after 3 it was like we had a different baby! He is less stiff, going to the toilet regularly and rarely cries unless he is hungry. Now everyone comments about what a content baby we have, I just wish we had taken him to the Perrymount Clinic sooner. Thank you Christian!”

“I bought my baby to see Christian when he was 7 weeks old, he had reflux, colic and constipation and he would cry for hours on end. After being passed off by health professionals and seen as just an over anxious first time mum, Christian helped us to understand what was going on with our son and even after the first session we could see a huge change in him. He is now free from his constipation and reflux meds and is happy to be put down and lay on his back. He has gone from an extremely clingy and sad baby to calm baby with a huge smile! Thank you!”

Click here to see my course

Did anything on here make sense to you or seem like I understand what’s going on with your baby? I hope so. If it did then my online course is for you. It answers so many questions you probably have. It helps your baby’s future health and gives you ways to prevent colic in your next baby

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Below you will find a few of the 100 videos from my course. These are the videos that will help you start understanding why you must help your baby in the best way. And that they CAN be helped!

Colic is a SYMPTOM. You need to find out what caused the colic and that’s how you help your baby

Did you or your baby have antibiotics? Remember, you get antibiotics at C-section.


Did you have a C-section or antibiotics? Two of the most common Baby Birthtypes



Does your baby have a strong neck? A “Little Meerkat” Baby BirthType


Is your baby scrunched into a ball? A “Little Frog” Baby BirthType

Probiotics to help your baby. What are they and why they help



Why properly helping your baby with colic now protects their future health


This video explains why you need to correct your baby’s tummy if you had antibiotics



These are just a few of the videos in my online course. I also cover breastfeeding difficulties, foods to help you and baby, allergy and intolerance, sleep, settling, you name it it’s there. And if it’s not let me know and I’ll help you with that too!


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Colic Infographic

Free infographic download. All the causes of an upset, crying, colicky baby. Leave your details below

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